Middle School Student Handbook
Welcome to Mt. Solo
- We Believe
- We Expect Each Student To
- Important Contacts
- Access
- Athletics
- Attendance Procedures
- Backpacks
- Bell Schedules
- Bikes
- Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
- C.P.S./Mandatory Notification
- Deliveries
- Discipline Guidelines
- Chronic Misbehavior
- Classroom Management, Corrective Actions or Discipline…See Appendix (Policy 3241)
- Emergency School Closures
- Energy Drinks
- Family Access
- Field Trips
- Food Service
- Hazing, Harassment, Bullying, and Intimidation
- Homelessness/Transportation
- Homework
- Internet Use/Electronic Resources
- Lockers
- Lost and Found
- Medications at School
- Pesticide Use
- Privacy
- Privacy and Searches
- Publicity
- Records
- Registration
- Report Cards
- Safety/Security
- School Hours
- Sexual Harassment
- Skateboards/Scooters/Roller Blades/Heelies
- Student Records
- Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Surveys
- Teacher Qualifications
- Transportation/Buses
- Vaccines
- Valuables - Disclosure of No Responsibility For Theft
- Visitors/Adults/Volunteers
We Believe
We Expect Each Student To
Important Contacts
Main Office 577-2800
The main office is where you would go for assistance with attendance, activities, athletics, in need of a tardy slip, to request homework, and to get your questions answered. If you need to see an administrator please check in with one of the secretaries who will assist you.
Administrators: Principal: Mr. Opgrande Assistant Principal: Mr. Bennett
Secretaries: Mrs. Bohannon & Mrs. Guizzotti
Guidance Office 577-2808
The guidance office is where you would go to register, get assistance with transcripts and grades, and request a class change. If you need to see the counselor, psychologist or intervention specialist please leave a note in their box at the front counter in their office.
Counselors: Mrs. Whitright & Mr. Nelmark
Psychologist: Mr. Mabrey
Secretary: Mrs. Flores
Nurse’s Office 577-2810
Mrs. Lamb
The nurse’s office is where you would go if you are not feeling well, get injured, need to take medication or with health related questions. ALL medications must be registered in the nurse’s office. If you need to go to the nurse’s office you must have a note from your teacher.All Lions are compassionate and literate learners!
Print copies of this publication are available at Mt. Solo Middle School. Electronic copies can be found at www.longview.k12.wa.us/mtsolo
Students in 7th and 8th grade can participate in the following sports if all paperwork is complete. Paperwork can be picked up at the office prior to any sport. All participating athletes must have an updated physical. These are good for two years.
Sports that are offered are:
- Volleyball
- Football
- Wrestling
- Girls’ Basketball
- Boys’ Basketball
- Girls’ Bowling
- Track
Grade Checks for Athletic Eligibility
- At the beginning of the sports season, the athletic secretary will check to see which athletes have a GPA lower than 2.0. Those student grades will be checked weekly on Fridays. Once a student is over 2.0, their grades will not be checked until the standard 4th, 6th and 8th week of the season.
- The next grade check for eligibility for students with over a 2.0 will be the 4th week of school on Friday. Friday allows students the week-end to make up school work and study for tests and exams.
- The next grade check will be the 6th week on Friday.
- The next grade check will be on the 8th week on Friday.
- Grades will run every Wednesday for study hall. Athletes stay in study hall and work if they have either a D or F. Study hall is an opportunity to improve grades to be able to participate in after school activities.
- Each student will be considered individually be the principal and vice principal to ensure fairness of the total situation.
Attendance Procedures
Good attendance contributes to success in school. We encourage our students to attend school on time every day. If your child has to miss a day please inform the school by calling 577-2800 and please state why your child is absent.
Please help us track specific illness information to better understand why your student misses school and to compare absenteeism rates for various general health complaints among schools over time. When you call or send a note, please let us know why your student was absent from school indicating what illness caused the absence based on the following selections:
- Asthma or asthma like symptoms (wheezing, shortness of breath)
- Cold symptoms (respiratory, sore throat, stuffy/runny nose, mild cough)
- Dental condition (toothaches, dental surgery, etc.)
- Family emergency (family matters)
- Flu (high fever, body aches, severe headache)
- Fever
- Headache
- Injury
- Intestinal (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea)
- Other health condition (not specified by guardian or does not fit under other category)
If your child has the symptoms of the flu, fever, or intestinal related illnesses, please keep your student home.
Closed Campus
Once students arrive at school they are not allowed to leave campus during school hours without being checked out through the main office by a parent or guardian.
Checking Your Child in and out of School
For anticipated checkouts, please send a note with your student and have them bring it to the main office when they arrive at school in the morning. For unanticipated checkouts, please contact the main office to inform us when your student will be leaving and/or returning the same day. The office will provide the student with a pass that allows the student to leave class at the necessary time.
Attendance Policy: The BECCA Law
A Parent’s Guide to Understanding the Process
Bell Schedules
Two bell schedules will be used. The “regular bell schedule” begins with classes at 8:00 a.m. The “Wednesday bell schedule” begins with classes at 8:00 a.m. and students will be released from school one hour early 1:30pm; teachers will use the early release to work together to plan for student learning improvements.
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
Electronic devices such as cell phones, cameras, iPods, etc. can be used during school day during breakfast and lunch in the café and outside when used appropriately. When students leave the café they are expected to turn their phones/electronic devices off and not use them unless given permission to do so by an adult. Electronic items being used during the day without permission will be confiscated. Students who bring electronic items do so at their own risk. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. It is recommended that any items of value be left at home to remain safe and secure, reducing the risk of confiscation, loss or theft.
Students in possession of telecommunications devices, including, but not limited to, pagers, beepers and cellular phones, while on school property or while attending school-sponsored or school-related activities will observe the following conditions:
- Telecommunication devices will be turned on and operated only before and after the regular school day and during the student’s lunch break, unless an emergency situation exists that involves imminent physical danger or a school administrator authorizes the student to use the device;
- Students will not use telecommunication devices in a manner that poses a threat to academic integrity, disrupts the learning environment or violates the privacy rights of others;
- Students will not send, share, view or possess pictures, text messages, emails or other material depicting sexually explicit conduct, as defined in RCW 9.68A.011, in electronic or any other form on a cell phone or other electronic device, while the student is on school grounds, at school sponsored events or on school buses or vehicles provided by the district;
- When a school official has reasonable suspicion, based on objective and articulable facts, that a student is using a telecommunications device in a manner that violates the law or school rules, the official may confiscate the device, which will only be returned to the student’s parent or legal guardian;
- By bringing a cell phone or other electronic devices to school or school-sponsored events, the student and their parent/guardian consent to the search of the device when school officials have a reasonable suspicion, based on objective and articulable facts, that such a search will reveal a violation of the law or school rules. The scope of the search will be limited to the violation of which the student is accused. Content or images that violate state or federal laws will be referred to law enforcement;
- Students are responsible for devices they bring to school. The district will not be responsible for loss, theft or destruction of devices brought onto school property or to school sponsored events;
- Students will comply with any additional rules developed by the school concerning the appropriate use of telecommunication or other electronic devices; and
- Students who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion.
Students are reminded that (1) Responsible personal conduct on-line is no different than personal conduct face-to-face. (2) Individuals must protect personal safety on-line. (3) There are long-lasting implications to publishing in the on-line environment.
As a rule, cell phones and electronic devices are non-essential to the daily educational process. Students in violation of using an electronic device during school hours are subject to building rules and/or policies.
- 1st Offense- Confiscated and student may pick up after class.
- 2nd Offense-Confiscated and parent may pick up in office at end of school day.
- 3rd Offense-Confiscated and subject to discipline (i.e. lunch detention, after school clean-up, suspension, and/or meeting with parent and administration).
See Appendix (Policy 3245)
C.P.S./Mandatory Notification
The Role of School Personnel
The role of school personnel is to report to both Law Enforcement AND CPS authorities when required by law. School personnel are required by law to report all cases of suspected child abuse. This extends to all professional school personnel.
State law mandates that school personnel report to Child Protective Services or Law Enforcement when they have reasonable cause to believe that a child has suffered abuse or neglect. While employees are protected from liability for reporting child abuse in good faith, if they fail to report child abuse they may be liable for a criminal misdemeanor under state law. In addition, state law mandates that all employees who have knowledge or reasonable cause to believe that a student has been a victim of physical abuse or sexual misconduct by another school employee, shall, in addition to any reporting requirements under RCW 26.44.030, report such abuse or misconduct to the appropriate school administrator.
Additional Guidelines
- Upon receiving a report, CPS and / or Law Enforcement and / or a member of the Prosecutor's Office may arrive at the school to conduct a formal interview of the child involved.
- School personnel shall not conduct an interview of the child.
- School personnel will be present during the interview only if the child requests their presence upon inquiry by the investigating agent.
- School personnel shall not notify parents, guardians or other school personnel that a report has been made.
- School personnel should never pull in additional school personnel to verify the validity of the child's disclosure.
- The agencies of primary statutory responsibility for investigating the allegation are responsible for informing parents, guardians or other school personnel that a report has been made.
- School personnel should provide reassurance to the child as needed on an ongoing basis throughout the investigation.
- School personnel should refrain from asking questions about the abuse.
- School personnel can obtain answers to questions regarding any specific case by calling the Victim-Witness Coordinator of the Prosecuting Attorney's Office.
See Appendix (Policy 3421 and Procedure 3421)
Discipline Guidelines
The overall goal of discipline is to teach students responsible behavior. To preserve the learning environment and to develop responsibility, expectations and consequences for behavior are defined for students. Each teacher develops, teaches and implements a discipline plan that is based on the school’s expectations. When misbehaviors do occur, the staff will view the misbehavior as a teaching opportunity and will respond with calm and consistent corrections and/or consequences. Students need opportunities to practice making choices in a safe environment. We will work together as a team to solve problems that are chronic or severe in nature.
Chronic Misbehavior
In the event of chronic student misbehavior, and a student not responding to prior classroom interventions, the student may be referred to administration. The administration will usually follow the following progressive steps.
1. Upon arriving in the office, the student will be asked to reflect on the misbehavior and work out a plan for improvement that is acceptable to the referring staff member. This plan will include filling out a paper stating -
- What expectation did you break? Be a Learner Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe
- What happened?
- Who did I harm?
- How can I fix it?
2. In addition, consequences may include
- Campus clean up
- Loss of activity time
- Time out in the Time to Reflect Room (TTR)
- In school detention – Students who are repeatedly referred to the office may be suspended from school for period or time ranging from a single period to a number of days.
- Out of school detention
** A student who is assigned to ISS or OSS may be required to create an acceptable plan for re-entry.
Classroom Management, Corrective Actions or Discipline…See Appendix (Policy 3241)
Tardiness to class/school and skipping/class/school will be handled as a chronic misbehavior.
Severe Misbehavior
Severe misbehaviors such as assault, fighting, intimidation, harassment, bullying, theft, drugs, arson, truancy, extreme disrespect, and gross insubordination will be dealt with through short and long term suspensions. In some cases, an expulsion may be administered. Law enforcement and other outside agencies may be informed of these situations.
Behavior Contracts: Periodically students will be required to meet academic, behavioral and attendance expectations to be able participate in a variety of activities and field trips. These activities usually occur quarterly.
In order to provide a safe and secure learning environment the following dress code is to be followed.
Students are reminded that their appearance significantly affects the way others respond to them. Matters of dress remain the primary concern of students in consultation with their parents. Student dress shall not be regulated except when there is a reasonable expectation that:
- A health or safety hazard shall be presented by the student's dress or appearance;
- Damage to school property shall result from the student's dress; or
- The student's dress or appearance shall create a material and substantial disruption of the educational process at the school, including clothing which displays messages which are judged by the building principal to be libelous, obscene, profane, or demeaning to any race, religion, sex, or ethnic group, sexual orientation, or disability, or which advocate the violation of the law.
Dress Code Violations
- Student asked to Change
- Student Calls Home for Clothing or Wears PE Uniform
- Refusal to Change = “Insubordination” Parent Contacted and Referral Written
Emergency School Closures
Information on school closures can be accessed on KEDO, KLYK, KLOG, and the Longview School District website.
Energy Drinks
Family Access
Parents and guardians have access to a variety of on-line details about their child’s school records including attendance, food service account, and grades (middle and high school only). This is a password-protected service that parents can sign up for here.
Field Trips
Food Service
You need a PIN number to purchase breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria. You can deposit money into your account daily before school, between classes, and at lunchtime.
2022-23 Lunch Prices
Breakfast w/Milk No charge
Lunch w/Milk No charge
*Lunch prices can change yearly. Please visit our website for the most current charges.
Free/reduced information is available in the office. If you’ve been on a free/reduced meal program, it will continue for the first few days of school while you update the forms.
According to Federal Free/Reduced rules, school meals cannot be removed from the school.
Hazing, Harassment, Bullying, and Intimidation
Harassment, intimidation and bullying is an intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical act that harms a student, a student’s property, substantially interferes with the student’s education, interferes with the school environment or disrupts the orderly operation of the school. The district is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, volunteers, and patrons free from all forms of discrimination and harassment including sexual harassment, hazing, and bullying. Additional information regarding policies and reporting is available at www.longviewschools.com. See Appendix (Policy 3207)
If a student misses school they are required to make up any work missed. This may include having to schedule time outside of school to receive the instruction, make-up quizzes, tests, labs, etc…
If you would like to order homework it can be done by emailing the teacher or calling the main office at 577-2800. Please give 24 hour notice. It takes a lot of time to put together homework so it is important that it is picked up, completed, and returned.
Internet Use/Electronic Resources
See Appendix (Policy 2022)
Lockers, including PE lockers, are provided for student use, but are district property, thus accessible to search by district employees. A reminder, the school is not responsible for valuables taken from lockers. When students use lockers they should do the following:
- Do not give your locker combination to anyone, including friends.
- Do not change lockers with other students.
Lost and Found
Medications at School
See Appendix (Policy 3416)
Pesticide Use
The school will post notices in main entrances at least 48 hours in advance if a pesticide is going to be used on school grounds. The notice will state the product being used, the date and location of application, and the reason for its use. Signs will remain in place for 24 hours after the application. Signs will include a contact number and web site for more information about the substance. Substances are applied by a licensed worker, and the district uses the least-toxic substance whenever possible. If you are interested in being contacted individually 48 hours in advance before a pesticide is applied to school grounds, please send your email address to
jreetz@longview.k12.wa.us. If you do not have an e-mail address, please call 575-7854.
Schools may release student “directory information” in accordance with District Policy 3600 and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act to outside organizations. This information is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released. Directory information includes, but is not limited to, students’ names, addresses, birth dates telephone numbers, attendance dates, activities, awards, fields of study, sports participation, and height/weight (if on a sports team), photographs, and school e-mail addresses. The information is not given to businesses but is, as required by law, sent to the military for recruiting purposes (high school students only). If you do not want your student’s directory information released for military recruiting or other purposes send a letter to the Superintendent’s office, 2715 Lilac Street.
Privacy and Searches
The district has specific guidelines governing student confidentiality protections and searches of students and personal property. See Appendix (Policy 3230 & Procedure 3230)
If you prefer that your child not be photographed or recorded for information provided to the public or prefer that a piece of his or her school work not be published, send a note with your child’s name and school name to Rick Parrish, 2715 Lilac Street, Longview, or rparrish@longview.k12.wa.us.
Federal law and District Policy 3231, outlines how parents can review their child’s educational records and request amendment of those records. It also stipulates who has legitimate educational interest in records. Parents have the right to file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office in the Department of Education in regards to the handling of educational records and student privacy.
Report Cards
Each semester students will receive a mid-term progress report that can be viewed on Skyward Family Access. A report card will be sent home at the end of each semester. It is important that you look over those carefully and contact the Guidance Office at 577-2808 with any questions or concerns.
The district and all buildings have emergency response procedures. Emergency procedures were designed collaboratively with school staff, emergency management officials, police, fire, and public health officials. The procedures, which are regularly reviewed and updated, are applicable to a wide variety of emergencies.
Teachers and students will practice several types of emergency drills on a regular basis during the school year.
These drills will include:
- Fire/Evacuation
- Earthquake
- Lockdown
- Shelter-in-place
Drills are important to build “automatic” responses and confidence. The practices also are a great opportunity for learning how to improve procedures.
If your child walks to school, please encourage him/her to follow the safe walking routes developed by our transportation department and available at the school. Also, please stress with your child pedestrian safety, crosswalk use, and following the directions of crossing patrol. Parents are asked to help their children understand that: if there is an earthquake while children are on their way to school, they should “duck and cover” away from power lines, buildings, and trees.
If your student rides the bus, be sure he/she is aware of the bus rules provided by the transportation department. Bus riding students participate in emergency evacuation drills each year.
Keep your family emergency contact information current--Notify the school every time there is a change in address, phone numbers, or a change in who is authorized to pick up your child. In an emergency evacuation, students will be released only to individuals on the authorized pick-up list
We ask parents to observe the following procedures during an emergency:
- Do not telephone the school. We must keep the lines open for emergency communications. We understand and respect your concern for your child, and will use the radio for announcements.
- Tune your radio to a local radio station for emergency announcements and updates.
- You can sign up in advance to receive emergency messages sent to your e-mail, cell phone, or pager. The service is free to you. However, you need to make sure that your contact addresses are up-to-date. To enroll in the service, visit the following website: http://www.flashalert.net/signup.html
- Wait to come to the school or evacuation location until instructed to do so. It may be necessary to keep the streets and parking lot clear for emergency vehicles.
Our school is a weapons-and violence-free zone. See Appendix (Policy 3241)
School Hours
Sexual Harassment
See Appendix (Policy 3210)
Skateboards/Scooters/Roller Blades/Heelies
Student Records
See Appendix ( Policy 3231)
Student Rights and Responsibilities
See Appendix (Policy 3200)
Middle and high school students occasionally participate in anonymous surveys-typically those requested by the state or federal government. Parents of students will be contacted before any survey is given to students that ask them questions considered by federal regulations as “protected.” These questions would be such as the student’s own illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior; sex behavior or attitudes; or mental or psychological problems. Parents will have the opportunity to inspect the survey and object to their child’s participation, or, in some cases, will be asked to grant their permission for student participation in accordance with District Policy 4323 and the federal Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
Teacher Qualifications
As a parent, you are welcome to request the following information regarding teachers and para-educators (paraprofessionals) working with your child(ren).
- If your child’s teacher has met state certification for the grades and subjects s/he teaches.
- If your child’s teacher is working with emergency or conditional certificates where state certification criteria has been waived.
- The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held, including field of discipline of the certificate or degree.
- The qualifications of the paraprofessional providing instructional services to your child.
Specific “report card on the school” information is available by visiting longviewschools.com and clicking on “Report Card” If you do not have access to a computer; please call 575-7006 for printed information.
Buses are available to Mt. Solo Students who are living in Mt. Solo’s boundaries and outside of a one mile radius. Please call (360) 575-7866 if you have any questions and/or concerns regarding your child’s transportation to and from school.
Washington State Law requires that school-age children have up-to-date vaccines or have an exemption on file with our nurse’s room. In addition, state law requires schools to inform parents of middle- and high school students of two vaccines that are not required for school attendance, but are available. One is a vaccine to protect young women from the human papillomavirus disease (HPV) that causes cervical cancer. Federal recommendations suggest that all girls 11-12 years old receive the HPV vaccine.
Another recommended vaccine is the meningococcal vaccination, a series of three doses over a six-month period for youths 11-12 years old, those entering high school, or those entering college. This guards against the rare, but serious meningococcal disease.
More information about these two issues and other health topics is available at the Washington State Department of Health at www.doh.wa.gov or (800) 525-0127.
Valuables - Disclosure of No Responsibility For Theft
All non-employee/non-student individuals must check in through the main office where they will be given a visitor’s badge if it is approved that they be on campus. Individuals who wish to volunteer in the school must first fill out a C.H.A.M.P.S volunteer registration packet. Upon approval of information, the individual will be approved to volunteer at the school.